Ok so I’m on placement in probably the most expensive city in the world. And as it a fashion placement that means pennies per hour to cover “expenses” BUT I’m a fashion student right? Yes that is right so there is one as aspect I could maybe save some money on right, right hopefully you see where I going with this…
So from now on I will be making my own clothes, so far since starting work placement seeing as I live with my nana in Essex and have no friends here I’ve made one jumper on ye old knitting machine and made a lovely dress for Richard Nicholl but sadly not appreciated by Richard Nicholl. Never mind.
OK so yes my project as the moment is a cardigan. As it getting cold! So I trawled the entire Internet and through many a pattern books but could find one I liked. Then I remembered the cardigan I started knitting for my then boyfriend about a year ago, just about a month before he chucked me. (yes the myth is truth you knit something for your significant other is moment they run off with the blonde from his university halls or whatever) but for me yes lovely. I can’t cheat on myself so this cardigan is heartbreak free.
The pattern is from a book by Erika knight a reallh reallh fab knitwear designer. And the book is called Men’s knits a new direction and you can get it here. I haven’t used the yarn they recommend as its one nearly £10 a pop and its discontinued nearly everywhere. But I do have some lovely yarn “donated” from my university, which needs using for something!
So yes I’m rambling MASSIVELY so here are pictures of the non-heartbreak cardigan so far…
This is the back the purple bit are marking the pockets
And this is the left front and as far as I have got so far, but a two hour commute each way every day means I’ll probably have this bad boy done in about a month although now I have said that. It’ll probably be finished sometime after my 70th birthday.
Hopefully the final outcome. One day... preferably before it get cold
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